Responsible Hunting for Ecological Balance Delve into Makame’s licensed hunting blocks—Maasai East, Irkiushioibor, and Talamai—where regulated hunting fosters wildlife management and drives community progress. Empowering Communities Through Conservation Makame WMA brings together pastoralist communities to preserve grazing lands and merge traditional lifestyles with modern conservation efforts for long-term sustainability.

Discover Makame WMA

Makame Wildlife Management Area (WMA) was established when five pastoralist communities united to protect their grazing land from conversion into farmland. As the largest community conservation area in Tanzania, Makame WMA empowers local communities by granting them sole legal jurisdiction over their lands. Through this initiative, they safeguard traditional livelihoods while embracing innovative conservation methods. Makame WMA is a testament to sustainable development, balancing environmental preservation with community benefits through initiatives like forest protection and licensed hunting





Tourist Hunting

Makame WMA have three hunting blocks which are MASAI EAST MAKAME WMA, IRKIUSHIBOR MAKAME WMA and TALAMAI MAKAME WMA where professional hunting is conducted.

Talamai hunting block: Talamai block is 148,347 hectares in size and spans two villages (Ndedo and Ng’abolo) and its boundary is marked by the road from Kibaya to Orkesument via Ndedo Village.

Maasai East hunting block: Maasai East block is 140,265 hectares and its boundary is marked by the old road to Narakauo Village, all the way around the WMA boundary clockwise to the road from Orkesumet - Kibaya and back to where the Narakauo and Kibaya - Orkesumet roads meet.

Irkiushioibor hunting block: Irkiushioibor block is to the west of Kibaya–Narakauo road. It is 178,452 hectares in size and covers Katikati and Irkiushioibor villages and bit of the western part of Makame Village

Carbon Sequestration

Makame WMA has set an area of about 1040.65 KM2 equals to 104,065 hectares which is for carbon project investment and in 2017 Makame WMA has officially signed the business contracts with Carbon Tanzania company for Carbon offsetting project and from late 2019 Makame WMA has started receiving incomes from this project’s investment after meeting all legal requirements including validation and verifications.


Makame WMA engages in several initiatives to enhance conservation efforts and support local communities

Community Development Projects

Promoting sustainable development in member villages through conservation-led initiatives​

Anti-Poaching Programs

Implementing measures to prevent illegal hunting and protect endangered wildlife

Governance Programs

Fostering transparent policies and community participation in resource management​

Human-Wildlife Conflict Management

Mitigating conflicts between wildlife and human settlements through targeted interventions​

Environmental Conservation and Mapping

Using mapping technology and conservation efforts to protect ecosystems and wildlife habitats